Tuesday, December 1, 2009

A view from the pulpit...

Many of us look toward the pulpit on Sunday morning expecting the impossible...we want our priest/pastor to teach, affirm, reassure, encourage and lift us up according to our needs that day. We aren't active participants, we want to just sit there and have whatever we need handed to us. Oh, and the priest/pastor is supposed to know when they step up to the mike, just what to say. How can we expect one human to be all things to all people? We'll probably discuss this in more depth later but in the meantime, a little humor:

Told from a pulpit recently:
"Johnny announced to his mother one Sunday morning that he had two good reasons for not going to church that day.

'First, I am tired and need more sleep. Second, nobody likes me there.'

His mother replied: 'Johnny, I have two good reasons for going to church. First, I have to make your bed. And second, you're the priest.' "

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