Because Valentine's Day is just around the corner, I thought I would make a list of things I love. These are in no particular order, just things that make my heart go pitter-pat:
Triune God, my husband, son, daughter and grandson, flowers, yoga,
Sparta First United Methodist Church, ALL my in-laws, massages, music (bluegrass to classical),
labyrinths, candles, the Youth group, mountains, pedicures, eating fruit, history,
University of Tennessee football, earrings that dangle,
theater, the farm, my garden, Skinny Vanilla Lattes from Starbucks,
prayer stations, James Michener books, my friends,
Shea Terra lotions, incense, Cabernet, laughter, scarves, the smell of fresh ground coffee, cards and stationary, crosses, Nascar, dance, reading, the South, chocolate, early morning in the spring, fancy pens, birthdays, horseback riding, shoes with heels (HIGH heels), water skiing, dogs, date night with hubby,
whitewater rafting, heirlooms, old movies...
Just to name a few. Now stop and think...what do you love?