Thursday, May 27, 2010

Jesus Hungers

Jesus Hungers and Thirsts for Uprightness

Jesus, the Blessed Son of God, hungers and thirsts for uprightness. He abhors injustice. He resists those who try to gather wealth and influence by oppression and exploitation. His whole being yearns for people to treat one another as brothers and sisters, sons and daughters of the same God.

With fervor he proclaims that the way to the Kingdom is not saying many prayers or offering many sacrifices but in feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, and visiting the sick and the prisoners (see Matthew 25:31-46). He longs for a just world. He wants us to live with the same hunger and thirst.
Henri Nouwen

I regularly read the writings of Henri Nouwen and am often inspired by them. Today's reading made me sad. As I read, I kept looking for one point that I could say, yes...the world does this. But no, the world does not.

While I know God calls us to be "in" the world and not "of" the world...are we really "in" we follow these requirements with our whole heart? When we see injustice, oppression and poverty does our mind and our heart immediately spring into action? Or do we turn away? After all, I'm only one person, what can I do?

I know you've heard these words time and again. I cannot say them as eloquently as others have...I cannot even say them differently...I can only say myself as much or more than any other.

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