Posted by Danielle Bean in Family on Thursday, October 02, 2008 8:40 AM
With all the recent talk of archangels and guardian angels, 7-year-old Stephen has heavenly bodies on his mind.
This morning he looked skeptically over his right shoulder.
“Where does my angel sit?” he wanted to know. “Is it on this shoulder? Or is this the devil’s spot?”
I read this little snippet here this morning and it made me remember some of my favorite cartoons when I was a kid. Time and again one of the characters would be trying to make a momentous decision and up would pop the 'angel' and the 'devil' on each shoulder. Of course the 'devil' would encourage the character to be mischievous, selfish or bad while the 'angel' would encourage sweetness, kindness and virtue.
God leads and directs us...that still small voice mentioned in the Bible. I tell the youth that if they ask for God's guidance and listen closely, He will give it. Personally it is usually a "feeling" in my gut. Now while I know that doesn't sound too "holy", it's the best way I can put it. That same feeling that warns you if you're in danger, or if you've just said something you shouldn't, or if you've treated another badly. However you describe it, this is the way I feel the Holy Spirits' direction. It's practical and it works for me.
But still, wouldn't it be nice if we had the shoulder option from time to time? I try always to follow the maxim that if I have to convince myself to do this or that, I probably shouldn't but to actually have a heavenly being on my shoulder and whispering in my ear would sure help out once in a while. Of course I would never take the 'devils' advice!

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