I remember being in the car with my parents, riding somewhere...the radio was on with the "News of the Day"...and they said it out loud! John Lennon was quoted as saying that the Beatles were more popular than God. I can't tell you how those words affected my childlike sensibilities...How dare he? How could anyone say something like that about God? Being a child, I didn't realize at the time that God didn't really need me to defend Him...He can take care of Himself.
As much as I have enjoyed the Beatles music over the years, and although I am older (not necessarily wiser) and recognize that his statement was not an attack per se...I have never forgotten how I felt at that moment.
I have never truly liked the song "Imagine"...his description did not sound like a place I really wanted to live...Elizabeth Scalia from The Anchoress puts this in words much better than I could...read it here.
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