Today's media would have us believe that we can have it all, do it all and we deserve it all. I have an issue with this statement, particularly the last...do we, in fact, deserve it all?
Society is allowing itself to be defined by "Madison Ave." and many of us fall prey to their advertising. Loud, upbeat music, smiling "pretty" people try to convince us we won't be complete until we buy such and thus. Did you know you were unhappy? Did you know you'll never be "complete" unless you pull out your credit card and go online or call? I don't know what bothers me more, the fact that they say it or the fact that so many of us buy into the lie. What would happen if each time we started to purchase anything we looked at it under the magnifying glass and asked...do I need this or do I just want it? If you want it, why? Because it is something that will make you happy? Or have you just been told it will make you happy? Go back and re-read Philippians 4: 11 ( ...I have learned to be content in whatever the circumstance) and Luke 12:23-24 (...yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds) use this as part of your measuring stick.
I have reached the point in my life that I realize I can't do it all, don't even want to try. I can't have it all, besides, where would I put it? And lastly, I do not deserve it all. I don't deserve what I have...do any of us? Let us rejoice in the gifts we do have...the love of God the Father, the salvation of Jesus Christ and the companionship of the Holy Spirit. What can man create to match these gifts?
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