Personally, I am NOT a math enthusiast but I do recognize that we need it. Fortunately for me, I live in the age of the computer and calculator, otherwise I'd be lost! I suppose it's because it's viewed as hard that the majority of students will say that math is their least favorite subject. It can be difficult, but with hard work and determination, it can be mastered. Or at least that's what I keep telling my grandson!
Now, how many can tell me why March 14 was chosen as "Celebrate Pi Day"?
It can be fun too! There are books that make the concepts easier to such book is:
Sir Cumference and the Dragon of Pi (A Math Adventure)
By Cindy Neuschwander, Wayne Geehan

Sir Cumference: And the First Round Table (A Math Adventure)
By Cindy Neuschwander, Wayne Geehan
Now how does one go about celebrating today? One of the best is by eating pie! And, of course, discussing the relevance of "pi".Some places also hold contest to recite "pi" (there are over a million numbers and counting!).
The town of Princeton, NJ hosts numerous events in a combined celebration of Pi Day and Albert Einstein's birthday, which is also March 14. Einstein lived in Princeton for over twenty years while working at the Institute for Advanced Study. If you travel to Princeton, you can also enter the annual Einstein look-alike contest.
I think I'll start my celebration with Lemon Meringue or maybe Blueberry...decisions, decisions!
Thanks to Stephanie for bringing this important event to my attention!
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