Thursday, June 7, 2012


RICHARD LOUV: In 2005, in [my earlier book] Last Child in the Woods, I introduced that term, not as a medical diagnosis, but as a way to describe the price we pay for alienation from the natural world. As children and adults spend less of their lives in natural surroundings, their senses narrow, physiologically and psychologically. Studies indicate that time spent in nature can stimulate intelligence and creativity, and can be powerful therapy for the toxic stress in our lives, and as prevention for such maladies as obesity, myopia, and depression. It has huge implications for the ability to self-regulate and for attention-deficit disorder.

Very interesting article with some valid points.

 Each year, when I return home from retreat, I feel relaxed, spiritually charged and at peace. While some of it can be attributed to the time spent reading, studying, praying and meditating, I believe the rest comes from nature. I awaken very early each morning (without an alarm clock) and can't wait to get outside. I make an effort to spend as much time as possible out in the fields, by the lakes and ponds or in the woods. I've always thought this played a distinct role in my de-stressing.

Read the rest of the article here...

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