word ‘authority’ comes from the Latin ‘augere’ (to grow). All
authority, whether it be civil, paternal, religious or community is
intended to help people grow towards greater freedom, justice and truth.
Often, however, it is used for honor, power, privilege and positive
self-image of those who exercise it. By stooping down to wash the
disciples’ feet, Jesus calls us all to exercise authority humbly, as a
service …
By washing his disciples’ feet, however, Jesus is
calling them not just to be good shepherds but to exercise authority at
the heart of community in a totally new way, a way that is humanly
incomprehensible and impossible. It is just as new and just as
impossible as his invitation to forgive seventy-times-seven-times, to
love enemies and to do good to those who hate us, to give our clothes to
those who ask for them, to be constantly gentle and non-violent. It is
just as amazing as when he identified himself with the poor and the
outcast. ‘In my kingdom, the greatest must become the smallest.’Jesus asks his disciples to exercise authority like a child or a servant, where they are vulnerable and open to others. Can this authority ‘from below,’ where, out of love, we place ourselves lower than others, still be called authority? Is it not rather love and communion? It is like the authority a child has over a mother, or a friend over a friend, or a wife over husband or vice versa. They are there for one another, at each other’s service. They listen to one another and are never too busy to be disturbed by the other. They live inside one another. Their joy is in giving to each other and being in communion one with another.”
—Jean Vanier