Founded in 1973, the Renaissance Street Singers are
one of approximately 350 groups with public performance permits granted
by the Metropolitan Transit Authority.
The hallway filled with sound, the baritones roiling like cumulonimbus
clouds, the altos and sopranos shooting through like light, the melodies
intertwining. The voices carried down the hall and were faintly audible
in the Main Concourse. A crowd gathered to listen, but no one gave
money, because there was nowhere to put it. When the song was over, Mr.
Hetland turned around to face the small audience.
“We’re the Renaissance Street Singers,” he said, “singing the music that we love to sing and to share.”
Founded in 1973, the singers are one of approximately 350 groups with
public performance permits granted by the Metropolitan Transportation
Authority as part of the Music Under New York
program, but they are perhaps the only one that does not accept
donations. “I’ve been known to run after someone to give them back their
$5,” said Mr. Hetland, the group’s founder. “We want to make it clear
that the performances are free. We love to sing this music, and we enjoy
it even more if someone else is listening.”
And so, two or three Sundays a month, the group performs 15th- and
16th-century hymns, magnificats, psalms, motets and other sacred music
in a variety of public spaces in New York; the Graybar Passage is one of
its usual winter spots. “Grand Central has pretty good acoustics,” Mr.
Hetland said. “This music was made to be sung in a church with
resonance, and this has that resonance.”
In years past, the group performed a mixture of sacred and secular
music, until Mr. Hetland realized that all of his favorite pieces were
religious. He decided to focus on sacred music instead. “The composers,
in my opinion, really put their best efforts into it,” he said. “They
believed there was a purpose to the music — that they were glorifying
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