Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Being an heir...

When we think of becoming an heir, it usually means suffering through the loss of someone close to us. And then inheriting a home, money or something else they felt was equally important to leave us. What we don't think of being is an heir to someone while they're still alive.

If your parents (or grandparents) or someone else close to you has taken you to church and led you to Christ during your childhood and teenage years, you are already an heir. They have given you an heir loomed faith. You carry on what they have begun in you. At some point it is your responsibility to pick it up and make it your own...claim your inheritance. Start living and believing it by choosing to be the person God calls you to be.

We are also heirs with Christ, even though most of us see ourselves as less than Christ. We avoid the full honor as well as the full pain of the Christian life. We fail to remember that the Spirit that guided Jesus guides us. In Romans 8: 16-17, Paul says: "The Spirit himself joins with our spirit to bear witness that we are children of God. And if we are children, then we are heirs, heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ".

Can we fully grasp what this means? Certainly not before we become active participants! When we start living according to this truth, our lives will be radically transformed. We will not only come to know the freedom of being a child of God but also the rejection of the world. It is understandable that we hesitate to claim the honor so as to avoid the pain. We recall the words from Luke (12:48)..."To whom much is given, much is expected..." God does not call us to a life of ease but, if we are willing to share in Christ's suffering, we also will share in His glory.

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