Thursday, October 29, 2009


My father once bought me a poster for my bedroom wall that read "I know you believe you understand what you think I said but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant." Guess you could say I was one to "beat around the bush"...instead of coming directly to the point. I always felt the need to explain my actions by giving all the minute details that went into the decision making. Sometimes it worked! Most of the time not...

After a while it occurred to me that I was ASSUMING if someone questioned me about a statement or action it was because they didn't like it. Once I started to take full responsibility for my actions by stating them right up front, life was much easier. Doesn't mean I never got in trouble again, it taught me steps in good decision making. When I let my parents (or other adult) ask questions, I got a much clearer picture of what they needed to know without all the extra details.

I must admit that sometimes I do fall back into the old pattern of explaining myself first...but it usually works itself out...usually...

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