Saturday, November 14, 2009

Peer Pressure

When we think of peer pressure, we usually think of friends persuading us to do things we shouldn't. But, as we see in the Book of Daniel, it can also be a positive thing. The story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego is the perfect example of peer pressure.

These 3 young men had been taken into captivity and were expected to give up all they had been raised to believe was right. They were told they had to follow another...a mortal man who proclaimed himself god or face the consequences. Because they would not follow the little "g" god, they were locked in a furnace to be burned to death. As they stood in the midst of the flames, a wonderful and miraculous event ocuured. Their faith in one another as well as their faith in God gave them the strength to withstand the pressure to change. In the midst of men who wanted to take their faith, and fire that wanted to take their lives, Christ stood with them. Needless to say, they walked out unharmed.

Has your friendship with another ever been tested like this? How about your faith in God? Would you do the right thing?

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