Wednesday, November 3, 2010


This is not a political blog...but I really feel this goes beyond the realm of politics...or perhaps not.

The attached article tells us that San Francisco...the city, not a family named San Francisco, has banned all restaurants (with an emphasis on McDonald's) from including a toy in a meal that has more than 600 calories and doesn't include this, that and the other.

While I do realize that a child does not need a steady diet of Happy Meals...the occasional treat hurts no one! If there are parents feeding their children fast food on a too regular basis, it is a failure in the parenting skills, not the fault of the restaurant! Everyone who knows my grandson knows that he loves Chicken Nuggets and Fries...and when we eat out at restaurants that serve them, he is allowed to have them. Since we eat the majority of our meals at home around the table, he might get to have this treat once a week...His grandfather and I take his health very seriously and do not see how this will adversely affect him in the long run. Notice I said "we" take it seriously..."we" don't want or need someone legislating what we're allowed to feed him.

Sorry for the rant, I really feel that this has gone too far!

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