Thursday, June 20, 2013

Where are you really from??

Just for fun:

I ran across an article concerning the etymological names connected with cities and states. 

I now know my mother's family are from "North Freewoman's Land"; my father's family are from "Land of the River" and "Land of the Great River"; my grandson was born in the "Blooming Land"; my next grandchild will be born in "Land of the Red People".

If the name of your state gets you down, keep in mind that Mexico translates to "Navel of the Moon"!

From Stephan Hormes and Silke Peust:

The Atlas of True Names reveals the etymological roots, or original meanings,
of the familiar terms on today's maps of the World, Europe, the British Isles, Canada and the United States.

For instance, where you would normally expect to see the Sahara indicated,

the Atlas gives you "The Tawny One", derived from Arab. es-sahra “the fawn coloured, desert”.

The 'True Names' of 3000 cities, countries, rivers, oceans and mountain ranges

are displayed on these four fascinating maps,
each of which includes a comprehensive index of derivations.
Etymology, (OGr. etymon “true sense” and logos “speech, oration, discourse, word”)
is the study of the origin and history of words.

For the first time, the Atlas of True Names uses etymology to give us an unusual insight
into familiar geographical names – with intriguing results......

Once the names have been taken back to their roots and translated into English,
it is immediately apparent that our world has an extraordinary affinity with Middle Earth,
the mythical continent where the events of Tolkien’s ‘The Lord of the Rings’ are played out.

Middle Earth’s evocative “Midgewater”, “Dead Marshes” and “Mount Doom”
are strikingly similar in nature to Europe’s “Swirlwater”, “Darkford” or “Smoky Bay”,
as revealed by the Atlas of True Names.

Many geographical names are clearly rooted in Man’s observation of his natural environment;
the physical location of a settlement: “At the Foot of the Mountain” – Piedmont,
the character of an important water course: “The Gentle One” – The Seine
or even just the local vegetation: “Under the Oaks” – Potsdam.

Unsurprisingly, countries and landscapes

often derive their names from the characteristics
of the people who lived there: “Great Land of the Tattooed” – Great Britain,
whilst local mythology and regional rulers also frequently leave their legacy:
“Isle of the Monster’s Eye” – Peleponnese or “Illustrious Emperor” – Zaragoza.

Sometimes, it is impossible to deny the force of the Roman proverb

‘nomen est omen’.
For instance Grozny - the Chechnyan capital which,

over the last years, has been destroyed in so many wars,
– translates as “The Fearsome”.

The Atlas of True Names restores an element of enchantment

to the world we all think we know so well.
It takes the reader on a journey into the unknown –
a unique exploration of uncharted territory

in that familiar place we all know as ‘home’.

Take a look at the world through fresh eyes!

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