Today, September 28, 2009 is
Yom Kippur, the Jewish Day of Atonement. This is the holiest day on the Jewish calendar and is all about repentance and atonement. The following is a prayer used today...
Normally this would be sung by a male Cantor, but
this version is a little more modern...hauntingly beautiful!
AVINU MALKEINU אבינו מלכנו
Our Father, our King, we have sinned before You.
Our Father, our King, we have no King but You.
Our Father, our King, deal [kindly] with us for Your Name's sake.
Our Father, our King, bless us with a good year.
Our Father, our King, nullify all harsh decrees upon us.
Our Father, our King, nullify the designs of those who hate us.
Our Father, our King, thwart the counsel of our enemies.
Our Father, our King, exterminate every foe and adversary from upon us.
Our Father, our King, seal the mouths of our adversaries and accusers.
Our Father, our King, exterminate pestilence, sword, famine, captivity, destruction, iniquity and eradication from the members of Your covenant.
Our Father, our King, withhold the plague from Your heritage.
Our Father, our King, forgive and pardon all our iniquities.
Our Father, our King, wipe away and remove our willful sins and errors from Your sight.
Our Father, our King, erase through Your abundant compassion all record of our guilt.
Our Father, our King, return us to You in perfect repentance.
Our Father, our King, send complete recovery to the sick of Your people.
Our Father, our King, tear up the evil decree of our verdict.
Our Father, our King, recall us with a favorable memory before You.
Our Father, our King, make salvation sprout for us soon.
Our Father, our King, raise high the pride of Israel, Your people.
Our Father, our King, raise high the pride of Your anointed.
Our Father, our King, fill our hands from Your blessings.
Our Father, our King, fill our storehouses with abundance.
Our Father, our King, hear our voice, pity and be compassionate to us.
Our Father, our King, accept - with compassion and favor - our prayer.
Our Father, our King, open the gates of heaven to our prayer.
Our Father, our King, remember that we are but dust.
Our Father, our King, please do not turn us from You empty-handed.
Our Father, our King, may this moment be a moment of compassion and a time of favor before You.
Our Father, our King, take pity upon us, and upon our children and our infants.
Our Father, our King, act for the sake of those who were murdered for Your Set-Apart Name.
Our Father, our King, act for the sake of those who were slaughtered for Your Oneness.
Our Father, our King, act for the sake of those who went into fire and water for the
sanctification of Your Name.
Our Father, our King, avenge before our eyes the spilled blood of Your servants.
Our Father, our King, act for Your sake if not for our sake.
Our Father, our King, act for the sake of Your abundant compassion.
Our Father, our King, act for the sake of Your great, mighty, and awesome Name
that is proclaimed upon us.
Our Father, our King, be gracious with us and answer us, though we have no worthy deeds; treat us with charity and kindness, and save us.
Avinu Malkeinu, hatanu l'phanecha
Avinu Malkeinu, ain lanu melech eleh attah.
Avinu Malkeinu, asei emanu l'ma'an sh'mecha
Avinu Malkeinu, barach aleinu shana tovah.
Avinu Malkeinu, batal mei'aleinu kal g'zayrot kashot.
Avinu Malkeinu,
Avinu Malkeinu chaneinu va'anaynu, ki ain banu ma'a'sim,
Asei im'manu tz'dakah va'chesed, v'ho'shi'ay'nu