Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The definition of reslient..

...the ability to overcome, correct or to become better than before.

Not that they needed to become better...

I spent Sunday afternoon in the company of some of my favorite people. It is always a joy to be with those you love but on my way home I realized yet another reason they deserve my love and admiration.

My sister-in-law and brother-in-law live in a town just outside of Nashville. As you may have heard there were flood waters in that area recently. There was so much water that they too were to be evacuated by boat. The roads were impassable. I can't imagine what it must feel like to watch the water move closer and closer to your home and family and being unable to stop it. You know, forces of nature stuff. But there they were. I saw the water via pictures from the cell phone and couldn't believe what I saw. In the end they were safe and in the grand scheme of things, the damages to their home were minimal. But still, to be there and not to know when and if it would stop. It had to be a nightmare.

In the midst of the fun and fellowship of a beautiful Sunday afternoon in Tennessee, we spoke about what had happened in the area. True to form, their main concern was for those who had been affected to a greater degree. Those who had lost loved ones, those who had lost homes, those who had lost jobs.

I'm sure you've heard the old saying that you can choose your friends but you can't choose your family. I am blessed to have family that I would want as friends even if we weren't related. Love you guys!!!

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