Thursday, June 17, 2010


As everyone knows, China is the most populous country on earth. In an effort to control the population, in 1979 a law was passed limiting each couple to one child in urban areas.

Given the Chinese culture, males are preferable to females because of their ability to carry the family name, earn more money and care for their parents when they are elderly. As a result many daughters have "not been born"...whether through abortion or euthanization, if they can only have one, most do not want a female child. It's called selective breeding.

The law provides fines, pressures to abort or even forced sterilization for second or subsequent pregnancies. Imagine if you will, your ability to reproduce being dictated by the government.

I'm not sure those who passed the law saw all the consequences of their actions:

Chinese Population

By the way, this law is applied firmly in urban settings. If you live in a rural area, you might be allowed a second child...5 years after the first one...if the first one was a girl.

Me, oh my, they may eventually breed themselves out of existence. Any way you look at it, this is a sobering thought.

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