Saturday, March 28, 2009

Beauty in Life

Society tends to associate youth with beauty but the truth is beauty transcends every age.

The early years of our lives are about experiencing and learning as much as possible. We move through the world absorbing the ideas of other people and the world. In our youth, our physical strength and beauty tend to open doors and attract attention. As we age, we begin to form our own opinions from the information we've gathered. At this stage, beauty becomes what we're saying and who we are as much as how we look.

In the middle years we prepare for a new stage of growth. Children move on and careers change or end. The lines on our face and the grey hairs on our heads are beautiful testimonies to the fullness of our experience.

In the winter of our lives, our beauty becomes more about our essence. We may be more radiant than ever at this stage because our inner light from years of living shines through our eyes. Beauty at this age comes from the very core of our being. We should not just give lip service to "growing old gracefully" but embrace it as a way of life. With age comes inner beauty that never goes out of style.

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