Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Out of Touch's been almost a week since I've posted. That's a really long time for me.

We all have times when we just have to take a step back a catch our breath. The last few days have been that time for me. It's not that I don't like to write, and it's not that there aren't a few of you out there reading this...the batteries needed recharging.

Sometimes I stop and anybody listening? Does anyone care? Is it arrogant on my part to think what I have to say would mean anything to anyone? I realize doubt is one of our most formidable foes. For whatever reason (well, I do remember the reasons), I started this blog a couple of years ago with our Youth Group in mind. Since then I have found that it is read by more than just youth...and I thank you for it.

I read an article this morning on "The Shakers"...unfortunately in today's world they are most remembered for the furniture they build and for the song "Simple Gifts". The community is down to 3 members...but they continue on! What struck me most was a maxim from their founder Anna Lee (in 1774)..."Hands to work, hearts to God" but there is power in that statement! We could all spend time with it! If you'd like to read more about them...try here.

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