Friday, April 16, 2010


I have often pondered the meaning of the Sabbath and how far I should go in making it a "day of rest". As Youth Director for our local church, I do have responsibilities for the day. We have a regularly scheduled Youth meeting at 5pm on most Sunday's (except for the first Sunday when we take Communion to the shut in members). And I don't know about the rest of you but texting is by far the best way to get the attention of my youth! But notice I said, a "regularly scheduled" meeting. There have been a few (VERY FEW) occasions that I have had to cancel at the last minute but that is a rare occurrence. One text, in the event of an emergency, but that's it!

So how about a "Digital Sabbath". When I read the title of the article I thought, "Oh my, now someone has figured out a way to use cellphone, facebook, twitter, etc. during worship!" Boy was I wrong.

Read this article and see what you think. A Sabbath away from technology, what a concept! This is something I may have to include in my life.

While I have a few people in my life that do not have a land line, and rely solely on their cell, what if they choose to answer / make calls but not text? It may not be for everyone, but then again, it might be!

1 comment:

Andrew Burden said...

It's felt like less and less of a sacrifice that I can no longer text in my questions for the discussion panel we have at our Sunday evening service. But the huge gain in the trade-off is that I actually pay attention to the conversations I'm in! Taking a digital Sabbath has been revolutionary in my life. Thanks for reading!