Thursday, December 16, 2010

Giving in to the world...

We humans are such frail and fragile creatures. Physically it is amazing what the body can withstand but mentally we break easily.

Even though the Bible is filled with promises from God, we choose always to look on the dark take events at face value without looking for God's hand. I'm sure it distresses Him for us to question and doubt. It is easy for us to look back at the Israelites thousands of years ago and say, "had I been there, I would have believed!" Angels appearing, prophets speaking, seas parting, walls tumbling, even the "still, small voice of God" and yet they turned away time and again. Why should we think we are any different?

In times of peace and tranquility, we are happy Christians...all is going our way! But let there be one pothole on the road and we question, doubt, even rail against God. "Why is He letting this happen to me?" Do we ever stop to think that perhaps things are happening because of choices we ourselves have made? Are we down because we "let" the world get the better of us rather than choosing to be joyful?

God expects a steadfast hope from us. After all, He has told us He will be with us the end of the age. I say this as one who fails to live up to the expectations, who is quick to fall into depression. It's my prayer that I can turn to the one from Whom all Blessings flow and choose to live my life as one He loves.

Brave your storm with firm endeavor,
let your vain repinings go!
Hopeful hearts will find forever
roses underneath the snow.
George Cooper

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