Sunday, March 25, 2012

Jesus God

Due to military obligations, Grandson came to live with us when he was 2 years old. Our children had moved out a few years before and we had grown comfortable in our daily life. Hubby has health issues and is unable to work...although he is a great help to me at home, it was still not a fulfilling life for him. Once grandson moved in to his mother's old room, our schedule went out the window. We now operated on his schedule...and it has been a blessing. Suddenly, hubby had a purpose...every day...all day. He had a reason to rise in the morning, a reason to keep alert and as mobile as possible. He had someone to challenge his intellect by asking WHY about everything.

His impact on my life was a little more subtle. After all, I had raised two children already, worked with children and Youth at church forever...I knew what to expect...yea, right! He hasn't challenged me physically but spiritually. Looking again at the world through the eyes of a child brought me joy. I had forgotten how sweet life could be...

Early on, we started to pray together each night before bed. I would say part of the prayer, lift up all our family members and then I prompted him to say the Amen. But instead of just Amen...he would add "Night, night Jesus God" (he's eight now and we still follow the same routine). Not Jesus and God, Jesus God.

My first impulse as he got older was to correct should be Jesus and God, shouldn't it? I prayed for the right words to say to help him understand they were 2. Time passed and the more that I asked for the words to explain it to him, the more I felt I was being taught. Grandson has been blessed with understanding and compassionate Sunday School teachers who have taught him about God the Father and Jesus the Son. But they've also shown that they're one and the same.

As we ride home from church on Sunday's we talk about his class, who sat next to who, what they ate, what they learned and he teaches me. With absolute faith and trust he knows that Jesus God loves, protects, teaches and cares for him. He knows that the members of the congregation love him and want him to grow up in God's wisdom and love. And there are no doubts in his mind that this is what Jesus God wants for him.

I recently realized that I was in the wrong trying to split Jesus God into two. You may say that it's bad parenting and bad theology on my part. Maybe it is, I don't know. All I can do is pray for guidance and right now that guidance is telling me that I desperately need to learn to love and trust Jesus God fully and absolutely, like grandson does.

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