Friday, August 10, 2012

Holy Courage...

Although we may feel we don't live our lives courageously...we do so more often than you think.
Sister Dorthy Stang lived each day that way.

Sr. Dorothy Stang worked tirelessly for poor farmers’ rights and preservation of the Brazilian rainforest. Confronted by assassins on a deserted road, she opened her Bible and read the Beatitudes to them. She was shot six times.

Her brother described her like this in an article from the NY Times:

David Stanger, her brother, said she was not by any means a sweetly pious nun who had retreated to a life of prayer and contemplation. She was tough, smart and intensely political, and it was precisely her fervent earthly work on behalf of the poor that got her killed, he said.
"None of this ooey-gooey little nun bit," Mr. Stang said. "She was like a Mack truck."

Read the rest of her story...

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