Wednesday, April 30, 2008


I know you've seen those commercials from e-Harm** know the ones where the couples stand around smiling and holding hands and talking about how they "knew" the moment they met...yes, those commercials. Did they also mention the 273 (OK, I forget the number) questions they had to answer, pay someone to review and then maybe "accept" them into e-Harm**y and then you pay again to see who is looking for you but if you follow their steps, Voila, you will have life long happiness and love? Companies such as these are trying to make us believe that if we only find the "right" person our relationship will be effortlessly WONDERFUL for always and forever. In truth, they're setting people up for a fall.

No matter how right a person is for you, there are no guarantees that the relationship will last. Each partner must make a conscious effort to make the relationship work. YOU have to choose to be the "right" person.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great advice for those looking for perfection. Relationships are full of choices and compromises built on understanding and love.

Nothing worth anything comes easy or at least it never did for me.


Awesome blog Amanda