Friday, May 23, 2008

Repentance and Forgiveness

When we repent we are taking personal responsibility and owning the sin (it's mine, I did it). We cannot blame someone else (even the devil). We committed the act and we must accept it. We are flawed beings, and God knows this. We are blessed that once we take responsibility there is something we can do. Just as sin is an action, so is repentance.

Once we "own up" to the sin, we are called to confess it (be it thought, word or things done or left undone)...confession is also an action, speak it. By doing so, not only do you think it and speak it you also hear that point there is no hiding from it. Once we confess, we ask for forgiveness and receive it (God promised He would). Is there something you can do to fix the damage caused? An apology, giving away something that is possessed through greed, etc?

What then? Move on with life, with the full confidence that with Christ's love and the guidance of the Holy Spirit we can change. It may seem like a lot of work, but if you measure it against the sin, it's worth the time and effort.

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