Tuesday, July 15, 2008

God created...

We read in Genesis that God created man and woman in His image and that's all the description we get. Did Adam have blue eyes? Did Eve have black hair? Were they tall, short, thin or fat? Have you ever noticed the complete lack of detail other than we were created in HIS image? The image of someone we've never seen.

Through the years I have come to believe there are no coincidences. Everything happens for a purpose or a reason. In my mind, God had a reason for leaving out all the tiny details...so none of us could put ourselves above others because we had the same color eyes, the same color hair or the same skin tone. No one can say they physically look just like Adam and Eve.

Most people are not ridiculed for their hair or eye color, but many are because of their skin. Even though all skin starts with the same basic creamy white color. Our genes dictate how much blush red, yellow and sepia is added to create our skin color. That's it...all the skin tones on earth are created by a combination of those 4 colors in varying degrees. We all have them, just more of some than the other.

So if God did not tell us that Adam and Eve were black, white, brown, yellow, red...how can many of us be so confident that we are better than another because of our color mix? If God did not think it was important enough to mention, why should we believe it's important? Through Adam and Eve we can all claim one thing...we were made in His image. Let's act like it.

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