Friday, July 18, 2008


I recently read an article by Max Lucado. He told of a time he and his wife along with others went sailing with a friend. All was well and everyone was having a good time until a storm hit...and hit hard! At that point, everyone but his friend was at a loss what to do. Max says he was calm because he knew his friend cared for them and he was the captain. All they had to do was follow his instructions and everyone would make it safely to port.

When storms hit in our lives, do we look to our Captain? Do we trust Him to do what is best? When these times come upon you, ask these questions...Does God know what is best for me? Does He care? Can He get me out of this? Of course the answer is YES!

When we allow God His role as Sovereign of the Universe, we can rest assured that He will work out everything and be our strong guide. That doesn't mean his instructions will be easy, it does mean they will bring about what is best for us. There is no guarantee of smooth sailing in this life but we can have confidence in the fact that we worship Him who can calm the wind and the waves. He is the Captain of our lives.

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