Friday, September 12, 2008


Have you ever had to meet a deadline? Have you ever thought about THE deadline? You know, when your time on earth is finished?

What if you knew the date, would you live life differently? I was always a procrastinator...why do today what you can put off until tomorrow? It wasn't laziness really, I could always find something I'd rather be doing at that particular moment. But one day it dawned on me...I'm not a kid (or even young) anymore...exactly when am I going to start doing the work that God has set out for me?

I truly believe that if we all knew the exact date of our death, we'd probably live better. We would actually start accomplishing all the tasks that need to be done before the end. Knowing the exact date would reinforce the knowledge of how little time we actually have on this earth, compared to eternity. Someday I will stand before Him and answer for the time He gave me, I really don't want to tell Him I wasted it.

This is not meant to sound like..."you could die tomorrow so you'd better get busy", it's more like "we've been put here for a purpose, probably much bigger than we ever imagined, we cannot let the days just go on by"...Someday we will all stand and be asked to give an accounting of our lives, I hope all our days were full!

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