Monday, August 24, 2009

A Parent

Once you become a parent, it is something that defines you forever and yet the role we undertake is not a fixed one. As children grow and go through different phases, so do we.

Infants and toddlers require a different parent than a teenager. While the important aspects of who we are as people remain the same, the way we nurture and teach changes as the child grows. In the process, we find ourselves facing dilemma's from the other side of the fence. After all, until this point, your only experience with some issues have been as a child. Now you are the adult.

Although I am no expert on the job, it has been one of the most fulfilling things I've ever done. If I were asked to give a couple of tried and true axioms they would be...Never forget what it was like to be a child, Love unconditionally and be ready to grow.

Oh, and one other thing...this job is for life. They may grow up and move away but they will always need you.

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