Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Worth Trying...

I recently read an article by Kevin Thomas called "A life worth trying". In it he talks about his struggles with the future considering today's economic crisis. But as I read, something jumped out "...Our goal as Christians should be to find that place in the world where our greatest passion meets the worlds' deepest needs." He goes on to challenge the reader to choose to attempt greatness.

Somehow greatness is not a word I would associate with myself or my work with the young people. But that's okay, I don't have to be known as Amanda the Great! I can choose to ignore the culture of fear that surrounds me and take each new step in faith. I most certainly cannot accomplish God's work if I live a fearful life. Fear of failure, fear of embarrassment or any other of a number of fears will only block God's plans.

The very act of calling myself a Christian requires me to believe God's hand will guide, comfort and protect. My job is to keep myself in a place that I can hear and know His Will...oh, and have the courage to act on it. I know you've heard time and again the stories in the Bible of those God chose to lead His people. Stutterers, criminals, harlots and the like...they weren't picked because they were equipped to do the job, but because they were willing!

I am blessed to have the opportunity to do something I love and to spend time with people who inspire me. I will take the step and God will lead the way.

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