Wednesday, September 22, 2010

About You

A review of “About You” by Dick Staub

Why does God love us? We are fallen and bankrupt...definitely not what God had in mind during the Creation process. He made us in His image and placed us in the most beautiful place imaginable. Why weren't we satisfied?

In “About You”, Mr. Staub uses fresh, every day language to reveal what we've always known, way down deep. We've strayed from God and refuse (for lack of a better word) to fulfill our special calling in life. We have a destiny, and yet we attempt to avoid it. This whole process leaves us with a longing in our souls...a longing to go “home”. To be back in the garden, where we belong.

God sent Jesus to earth, not to make us Christian, but to make us fully human. Through sin we have become dehumanized and are diminished. “The good news is that Jesus can restore your soul, renew your mind, rekindle your creativity, reform your morality and rebuild your relationships.” A tall order, but nothing that Jesus cannot accomplish if we are but willing to receive the gift of new life from Him.

I must admit that I was skeptical before I began reading, but the author skillfully gives us the why, how and who in a way that made me feel confident that this is a goal that can be reached. God has already put everything into place, it is up to me to allow Him to guide me on the path to a fully human life.


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