Monday, September 27, 2010


As a Youth Director, it is easy to get caught up in the everyday mechanics of the job. Planning fund raisers, making reservations, checking permission slips and medical releases and a thousand other little parts of what it takes to keep things moving along. But what of the lessons to teach? What about reaching out to one or more of your young people who you know is really hurting? Or perhaps taking a step or two on the wrong path? What about the example I set when I'm harried by the world and living life with a full time job, home and family to care for?

How much time do I spend on my knees (literally or figuratively) to fill my soul with the nourishment that comes only with time spent at the feet of Christ? How much time do I spend reading and studying, or attending a lecture or class so that I can learn and grow in my own faith walk? How much time do I spend just reveling in and enjoying my family and my life? For these aspects are as important (if not more so).

If I forget a permission slip, will the world end? If I don't get snacks for the next gathering, will anyone starve? If I don't print out the pictures from our latest trip, will anyone be hurt if they have to wait an extra week to see them? Of course the answer to all these is NO! Someone might think I'm a little less than organized, a little sloppy with my paperwork but no one is really hurt by any of this.

If I don't spend time nurturing my own soul, not only will I be affected, but all those around me. Those I am trying to teach and lead by example will see the shell, the shadow of me...not the developing, ever growing, ever reaching follower who places God as her first priority. To be lackadaisical with my own soul will have an impact on far more than just me...and God will call me to task for this.

I cannot describe the peace, love and joy (along with 50 other adjectives) that I receive leading and loving these young people. It is a gift and a treasure. How appalling would it to be to be anything less than Christ calls me to be, than God equips me to be in nurturing them? For in walking with them, I grow with every step.

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