Tuesday, August 2, 2011

One of those days...

Ever have one of these days?

My next line was going to be...just when you think you have all your ducks in a row, the wind blows and they go tumbling all over. Corny, right? Yes it is...but true.
When our ducks are lined up...we feel "in control", we can say to someone..."look what I have done"! But control is just an illusion for the wind is always just around the next bend.

But watch what happens to the ducks...once Mama Duck regains her footing, she starts walking toward the babies and they all get back in line...I especially love the part where one of the babies runs over to another...he's looking for the safety and comfort of the familiar. And then Mom finds them both.

Mama Duck doesn't run around fretting, she doesn't call her neighbor and shout "Oh woe is me...I was walking my babies and the wind came and scattered them and I thought I was going to loose them!" She gets up, shakes her feathers back in place and then begins to locate the babies. She's focused on the task at hand.

How do we react when the wind blows? Do we call our neighbor and complain? Or do we dust ourselves off and begin again? Do we give in to the terror or turn to the God who controls the wind and seek what lesson we should be learning?

We can learn a lot from ducks...

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