Saturday, October 11, 2008


All of us have experienced situations where we've found ourselves lashing out at someone without meaning to...usually someone we care about. Later we will feel bad about what we've done and for treating them badly. While it is human nature that our feelings and emotions sometimes get the better of us, we don't have to give in.

Often, when we lash out, it's because we're having a difficult time. We may be feeling overwhelmed, afraid, frustrated, stressed out or just plain angry. Having these feelings boiling up inside can be very uncomfortable and our first reaction is do something to get rid them. When we direct this outburst toward someone else, we may feel better for the moment but in the end there will be feelings of guilt (on our part) and hurt (on their part).

Whenever you have these seemingly uncontrollable feelings, it's time to go to your knees, take a walk or do something else most cases, an activity will help you take control without hurting someone or something else. It's also time to talk with God...He know and understands and fortunately for us, He's big enough to take it and continue to love us.

It will pass, but we must learn to control our emotions before they get the better of us.

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