Friday, October 3, 2008

Walks vs. Adventures

Grandson (4 year old) and I have begun taking walks every afternoon when I get home from work. I made the mistake of calling it a walk the first day and was told in no uncertain terms that it was an adventure! Yeah, sure, we're walking the neighborhood that I've lived in for 30+ years...sure there are a few more houses now than used to be here and a little less farm land but basically it's the same neighborhood.

Boy was I wrong! Is it any wonder that Jesus says "Unless you become like little children..." (Matt. 18:3)? We speak to all the dogs (and now know some of their names), pet any horses that will let us, count the birds and listen to their songs, see images in the clouds and the list goes on and on. I know the neighborhood, but he sees it and revels in any changes since the day before. Needless to say, by the time we get back to the house to start supper, I'm in a completely new frame of mind. The little nagging problems of the day are gone and replaced with in living another day, being able to take a walk, spending time with my one and only grandchild, feeling the changes in the weather (I LOVE fall!) and gratitude...who but our Father God could have created such a place and given me such a "buddy" to share it with?

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