Saturday, February 21, 2009


We have heard the saying: "We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience." Likewise, C. S. Lewis once remarked, "If we aim for heaven, we get earth thrown in with it; if we aim for earth, we get nothing."

The life to come has a profound impact on how followers of Jesus live in the present. The Bible expresses it very simply: God created you. God has a claim upon you. Jesus goes to prepare a place for you.

One of my favorite programs was "The X-Files". Agent Mulder is a seeker, convinced that "the truth is out there," and he is sure that aliens inhabit the earth. As a follower of Jesus, you are a citizen of heaven, an alien here on earth, and your search is always rewarded. You are in touch with the power of God, which has overcome sin and death!

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