Saturday, June 14, 2008

The Most Important Label: Child of God

The labels others put on us can tear us down or lift us up. Praise and criticism by anyone can effect us deeply. The key to how we hear these comments, how we react to the words of others lies deep within us. If we have an incredibly strong self image (very few people do), we will receive the praise as an appropriate congratulation and we will evaluate the criticism to determine if there is any validity, anything to learn from it. If our self image is not very strong, we will dismiss praise as meaningless and focus on the criticism believing it to be true.

The truth is that God loves us so much he sent his Son to accept the responsibility for anything we have done - no mater how bad - so our sins, our shortcomings, our seeming inability to live a perfectly good life can be and are forgiven. Our belief in Jesus Christ and our willingness to follow leads all of heaven to exclaim, "You are a child of God!"

There is no one or no thing more valuable in the Kingdom of God than his family. Whenever anyone insults you, embarrasses you, humiliates you, remind yourself again and again and again:
"I am a child of God. God loves me more than I can ever imagine. Bless those who seek to do me harm. May they come to know the love of Christ in their hearts."

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