Sunday, June 22, 2008

New practices/Old Faith

I recently read about a book called "Dancing our Prayers" by Richard Twiss. In the article he talks about Christianity from a Native American's point of view. Not that they see Jesus differently or that they know something we don''s mainly about incorporating some of their ancient practices into their worship. By ancient practices I mean their use of drums, songs, dances, etc.

Evidently there are many people who feel this shouldn't be included in worship. Guess I missed the memo...if these things are done for the glory of God, where's the harm? If we look back in the Bible, we see God working using Jewish culture to reach the Jews yet He didn't impose these same customs on the Gentiles. Instead, He chose to reach them through their own customs and culture. If it was true then, why would it be any less true today?

Just some food for thought...personally I'd love to be a part of that least once in a about you?

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