Thursday, August 21, 2008

Our struggle...

Most of us live with an internal struggle every day. Although we worship a God so powerful that He spoke the world into existence and so loving that He sent His Son to die for our redemption, we struggle. There are feelings of inadequacy, doubt, shame and frustration as we try to be "good enough".

The Bible repeatedly tells us of His love and forgiveness but we cannot help but try to earn it. The world we live in teaches reward/punishment, success/failure every day. We know that WE are not capable of loving and forgiving all who hurt us and if we cannot, how can God? Such doubt denies the divinity of God. We seem unable to accept that He is so much more than we could ever know or understand. Humans are incapable of comprehending all aspects of our physical world. How arrogant of us to imagine we could wrap our minds around it's Creator.

We are fortunate that He is not like us. Daily, hourly, minute by minute He nurtures us, growing us in His own image. Despite our shortcomings, He never tires of the work or gives up on us.

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