Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Have you ever wondered why when we come before God in worship, we sing rather than merely think or talk with one another? Singing is a language that God has given us to express our deepest longings, greatest joys and most profound trust in the One who created us and loves us unconditionally.

Singing can lift our hearts to adore God, awaken us to confess the disorder in our lives and inspire us to good work that speaks God's transforming love into the hurting world. The very act of singing teaches us who we are and the words remind us whose we are. The variety of voices--high pitched or low pitched, on-key or off-key, some soaring to the rafters and other barely above a whisper--reminds us of the wonderful diversity of the Church.

Music is a gift from God. When, in our singing, we embrace this gift of love to all and offer it to one another in the Spirit it was given, then singing can unite us in worship and help us to grow as the children of God.

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