Thursday, July 23, 2009

Going unnoticed...

At some point in our lives we are all called to do some type of work that goes unnoticed and unheralded. Perhaps you have to care for a sick relative or friend or take over someone else's' duties while they deal with other issues. It is hard to keep up our enthusiasm because we all, as humans, thrive in an atmosphere of praise!

Thomas a Kempis wrote, "Enjoy being unknown and regarded as nothing." Lofty sentiments even though it goes completely against the grain! But wait, isn't that what Jesus was saying in Matthew 6:6..."Your Father who sees in secret will reward you"? So, our tasks are not going completely unnoticed! He who knows everything sees us. The Creator of the universe stands ready to reward. What could be better than that?

Would an ad in the newspaper proclaiming your virtues be better than knowing that someday you'll stand face to face with God and He will state "Well done thou good and faithful servant..." (Matthew 15)? I think not.

Next time you feel the need to throw a pity party because no one appreciates you, remember, Someone does!

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