Friday, July 10, 2009

Humility... a hard word to swallow at times. To be humble means "to be modest, not arrogant or proud, to be courteously respectful". Wonderful attributes to be sure but they seem to go against our human nature. Who doesn't love to toot their own horn when they do something well? When you master a task, who doesn't feel somewhat arrogant or superior? Left on our own, humility is not a term that would describe many of us.

But it is upon this foundation that our spiritual life is built. This doesn't mean we underestimate our worth or allow ourselves to be defined by others. Humility simply asks us NOT to be the center of our own little universe. We must recognize that we are part of God's creation and as such are called to give ourselves to others. Freely, willingly, hopefully, happily, quickly, and without reservation. Being humble allows us to be grounded in God's truth and to show this truth as a beacon to the world.

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