Saturday, July 11, 2009

Make a difference...

"And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams; your young me will see visions." Joel 2:28

Joel wrote these words to encourage the people of Israel. In the midst of war, it seemed that nothing had been accomplished because everyone had been too preoccupied with the crisis. Everyone had been so caught up in the "now" that they had given no thought to the future.

Joel's message for us today is to always keep our eyes on the future. Most everyone has dreams of what needs to be done in the world. As we become more aware of these dreams and aspirations, each of us is contributing and shaping our ideas about a better world. It is up to all of us to begin making them a reality. All people of all ages help create the future and each generation takes over where the other left off. You can make a difference so, Keep Dreaming!

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