Wednesday, October 19, 2011

230 Years ago...

Ask an American when we became an independent nation and most will reply July 4, 1776. Although that is the day we declared our independence, it was actually won on 10/19/1781. While our nation's founders did take a bold stance when they placed their names at the bottom of the Declaration of Independence, soldiers had to fight to make it real. For 5 long years. Those years were filled with depravation, hardship and death...but in the end we were truly a free and independent nation.

The last fight was the Battle of Yorktown:
American General George Washington and French Lt. General de Rochambeau faced off against British Major General Lord Cornwallis. Twenty days later, on October 19, 1781, Cornwallis surrendered to Washington and the band played "The World turned Upside Down".

Hats off to the victors of the Battle of Yorktown!

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