Thursday, March 3, 2011

The image of Christ

We belong to a generation that wants to see the results of our work. We want to be productive and see with our own eyes what we have made. But that is not the way of God's Kingdom. Often our witness for God does not lead to tangible results. Jesus himself died as a failure on a cross. There was no success there to be proud of. Still, the fruitfulness of Jesus' life is beyond any human measure. As faithful witnesses of Jesus we have to trust that our lives too will be fruitful, even though we cannot see their fruit. The fruit of our lives may be visible only to those who live after us.What is important is how well we love. God will make our love fruitful, whether we see that fruitfulness or not. Henri Nouwen

We experience Nouwen's words every day of our lives. And the constant upgrades in technology do nothing to help our desire to see and have it all, right now...even when it comes to our spiritual lives. We would do well to hold the simple desires of this poem in our hearts and use it as a guide for living. Not so we may demand credit for ourselves, but so we can be seen as the image of Christ.

If there be some weaker one,
Give me strength to help him on;
If a blinder soul there be,
Let me guide him nearer Thee;
Make my mortal dreams come true,
With the work I fain would do;
Clothe with life the weak intent,
Let me be the thing I meant;
Let me find in Thy employ,
Peace that dearer is than joy;
Out of self to love be led,
And to heaven acclimated,
Until all things sweet and good
Seem my natural habitude.
John Greenleaf Whittier

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