Thursday, March 17, 2011

St. Patrick's Breastplate

Much has been written over time about St. Patrick and his conversion of the Irish. Some truth, some speculation...but there are lessons none the less. He was captured and held as a slave for 6 years. He escaped and returned to his native England.

He left Ireland, but it didn't leave him. He dreamed and heard Irish voices calling him back. Not to the back breaking labor of his slavery, but in order to lead them to Christ. They called and Patrick answered...How many of us would return to spread salvation to a people who held us captive against our will? It is said he planted nearly 500 churches prior to his death on March 17th. His mission was blessed by God and soon the entire island had been converted. Today, St. Patrick might be a little surprised by his world-wide fame...and I doubt it ever crossed his mind that he would be associated with green beer and parades but I have to believe he would be pleased that his message still affects us today.

However you choose to celebrate the day, remember the man and his mission...

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