Friday, March 25, 2011

New idols

An idol can be any thought, word or action that we place between ourselves and God. With the ancient Israelites in the desert, their idol had form, if no substance. One could reach and touch the golden calf, it was on view for all to see.

In today's world we still have our physical, cars, homes, jewelery. But there are just as many, perhaps more, that cannot be seen with the naked eye...power, prestige, the cult of celebrity and even politics. We have reached a point that any idea, law or topic boils down to "us vs them". We've left ourselves no place to meet in the middle. Everyone is viewed as either red state or blue state, conservative or liberal. You are labeled and hated simply for the choices you make and the way you choose to live your life. Hour upon hour is spent on television and radio trying to convince us that this side or that is the best. Page after page and website after website are dedicated to those we "support". Mere humans are placed on pedestals too high for mortal man to achieve. And woe be unto you if you should speak against "our person"!!

We have lost our ability to choose a leader without emotion or fervor. To rate their abilities on past accomplishments and current stances. We are made to feel that if we do not go "all out" for our person we are somehow attacking those who are. We are not allowed to see any weaknesses in them and are duty bound to hate the other side.

This is, without a doubt, another form of idolatry. ANYTHING that gets between us and God...and the politics of hate definitely blocks our access to Author and Finisher of our faith. When we choose to set one human above another, we are offering up another brick in the wall we build between ourselves and our Creator.

This Lenten season, we would do well to sacrifice our idols for the sake of our nation as well as our very souls.

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