Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Reflections from Retreat

I started my recent retreat with the hope and prayer that something would be added to my day to day living. Something that would feed my spirit in light of a very busy schedule. Although I was filled with ideas prior to the time away, I left it to God to show me what I needed most. While it can be quite hard to leave things in the hands of God (after all, I know what I need!), I was determined to live “in the moment” and not limit the possibilities.

As the days continue to pass, I now know His answer...

Having never had the opportunity to live in an environment such as the Sisters do...that in and of itself was an eye opening experience. There were no televisions or radios in the room. No internet or computers. My cell phone is exactly that...I can call, text and take pictures but access to anything else is non-existent. While we did take the time on Friday to visit the Abbey of Gethsemani (it was only a 20 minute drive) the remainder of our time was spent on the convent grounds...walking, reading, praying, communing with my companion and the Nuns, spending time at Mass and Vespers, meditating, relaxing. Time was also spent reflecting on life and work done for our Lord. I now understand that our body's truly do have natural rhythms of sleep and wakefulness...and with it can come healing.

I had packed one bag with items for my spiritual quest. Crosses, candles, a hand held labyrinth, notebooks, pens/pencils, incense, Rublev's Icon of the Trinity, I-Pod and CD player and books. One of the books was Thomas Merton's “A Book of Hours” and I made a pact that I would pray these along with Psalms from the Bible faithfully...really pray them. In Merton's book, each day is broken down into (4) times to pray the Divine Office...Dawn, Day, Dusk and Dark with the different prayers, psalms, Canticles, Antiphons and hymns that one would expect. I can't tell you what joy and peace this time afforded me.

And continues to do so. You see, I now realize that my prayer life has been as dull, brittle and lifeless as a leaf from a tree in the fall. I have been living on short, need to do it quickly, breath prayers for far too long. This past week (while away and at home) of honoring a commitment to spend specific times with the Father has added a richness and depth to my spirit. I could not have imagined and may not have believed it. But there it is...each dawn the joy of beginning a new day, each evening laying down my head with a heart filled with peace.

Oh Lord, oh Lord, how majestic is your Name in all of the earth!

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