Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A Shepherd

There are pictures we carry in our hearts. Those we remember when we are happy...those we remember when we are lonely or afraid. Those we remember when we've lost loved ones. Pictures can be informational...they can comfort, motivate, inspire...they can lift our spirits. Our memories are filled with pictures. Whatever the subject or situation, most of us have at least one picture that comes to mind.

Several years ago, a female minister was appointed to our United Methodist church. Although we supported the ordination of women and the church had been doing so for decades, this was our first! Understandably there were some doubts...most of us had never had a pastor that was not male...was she up for the task?

Any doubts we had were erased her first Sunday morning. She brought with her a husband (who is also a UM Minister) and 3 young children...the youngest was pre-school age. As she walked to the back of the Sanctuary to deliver the Benediction, her youngest followed her down the aisle and raised his arms to be picked up...this was mama after all. She lovingly held him in her left arm as she raised her right hand and blessed that moment my heart was filled and I could feel God oh so close... What a powerful image of a shepherd of God! What a picture!

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